Jaclyn Morris
Is It A Destination or A Journey?
Which do you prefer - destinations or journeys?
I’m not talking about life philosophy or anything profound. I’m talking about vacations, and I legit want to know which you like - destination vacations or journey...
Unconditional Love and Support
I love my kids unconditionally. I think most parents will say the same thing.
What I struggle with is supporting them unconditionally. When boy-child graduated pre-school, and his “When I grow up I want to...
Cyber Security Awareness Month
October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month. It is a great time to have a refresher on those essential things that will keep you and your private information safe online. Here are five ways you can...
Five Things My Leftie Wishes People Knew
Girl-child is naturally left-handed. They kept telling us that you can't determine which hand the baby will use until they are older and start writing. We knew. She always liked things in her left...