Tag: suicide awareness
Self Love After a Tragedy
Four years ago, my world changed forever. And when I say forever, I mean forever. Not one thing has been the same. On July...
Walk to #StopSuicide
We all remember where we were that day, September 11, 2001.
My husband had just dropped Daniel off at Pre-K while Zane and I were...
End The Silence
September is Suicide Prevention and Awareness Month. While I think every day is prevention day, September at least brings a special spotlight to it....
Worst Day of My Life
What was the worst day of your life? The day you were fired? Or the day the love of your life left you?
We've all...
I Don’t Get To Hug Him
It seems as though every month has a designated awareness month. I have two months that I pay special attention to since July 26,...
An Open Letter to My Son Who Died
Oh, Zane,
This is a letter I wish I could have written while you were alive. It would be so much more heartwarming to know...
Yes, He’s Still Here
6:31am, the sky is black, Stone Temple Pilots are on the radio, I'm headed to work, and I see a falling star. All I...
Have You SCENE It?
Everyone has lost someone close to them. Well, almost everyone. For the ones who have, there are specific phrases, words, poems, songs, pictures, movies,...
Oh That Hug
October 6th, 2000, was the first time I held and hugged my youngest son Zane, and I was blessed to have been able to...
Walk This Way: Out of the Darkness
Did you know that according to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention approximately 47,173 Americans died by suicide in 2017? 3,778 were in Texas...