
Alicia Junod

Hey y'all! I'm Alicia. I am a wife, a mama to 5 year old twins, and a professional photographer. I live my life collecting moments, and I have done that for as long as I can remember. I have always had a camera within an arms reach, and I document it all! My husband and I struggled with infertility for 6 years and finally got pregnant with twins...boy/girl to top it all! I adore being a mom, and I get teased for being a bit boujee about it. I. DON'T. CARE. ha! If you want to get an idea of who I am google Enneagram 6w7, and you'll get a peek into ME! I live for Tea2Go, True Crime, and reading ALL the books. Quoting Friends is a literal love language in my house.

Let’s Talk Family Photos

Ah. Feel that? That little nip in the air. Fall. My most favorite time of all!!! What does fall mean to me? Well, putting pumpkins, sweaters, hot chocolate, and all aside... it's FAMILY PHOTO...