Dianne Burnett
Five Friday Favorites – Queso & Margarita Edition
People always have that thing they are known for. Sometimes it’s politics or their fashion sense, but it’s my love of queso for me. No, seriously. A couple of weeks ago, a Facebook boutique...
Five Friday Favorites: March 12th Edition
Say it with me, ITS FRI-YAY! We made it, y’all! This Friday is extra special because for us in the Lubbock area, it officially kicks off Spring Break! If you are just now realizing...
Did I Really Just Write That?
It was that time of year, time to complete the annual self-assessment at work. I had to develop the results that successfully summarize all the great things I did during 2020 and what I...
Pancakes and Elvis – A Tale of Grandparents Love
I was born during prime planting season for watermelons in East Texas. One of my favorite things about my birthday was hearing the affectionately called "Watermelon Story." It goes that in the middle of...