School Calendars for Districts in the Lubbock Area: 2022-2023


With the many school districts we have in the Lubbock area, it is often hard to keep up with certain dates. Every district seems to be a bit different than the next. Many of these calendars are still changing and evolving daily for the next school year. We recommend that you check the calendar for your district frequently to keep up-to-date with the latest information. 

Lubbock Moms will continue to update this post as needed. It was last updated on July 8, 2021.

Public School Districts in/around Lubbock:

Abernathy ISD

First day of school:  August 17th

Last Day of School: May 24th

014156-9ecc947c-e074-43d9-9515-7fb3f6458fc2.pdf (

Crosbyton ISD

First day of school:  August 11th

Last Day of School: May 19th

Frenship ISD

First day of school:  August 17th

Last Day of School: May 25th

Idalou ISD

First day of school:  August 17th

Last Day of School: May 18th

Idalou ISD school calendar 22 23.xlsx

Levelland ISD

Littlefield ISD

Lubbock ISD

Lubbock Cooper ISD

Morton ISD

New Deal ISD

Plains ISD

Ropes ISD

Shallowater ISD

Slaton ISD

Smyer ISD

Sundown ISD

Tahoka ISD

Whiteface CISD

There are a lot of schools in the Lubbock area. If your school is not on there, or if you see a correction that needs to be made, please leave a comment below to let us know. We hope this list of calendars is a helpful resource for you!

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Hi! My name is Jaime and I have many titles. I am the wife to my best friend, mom of 3 sweet kids, a sister, an aunt, a friend, Sister in Christ, and a licensed Texas Realtor. I am honored to also be a Lubbock Moms Contributor. I was born and raised in Levelland, TX. I had a bit of a gypsy soul for a few years, but when it came time to start my family I came back home. It has been amazing having family close during this season of our lives. I've lived a lot of life in my 34 years and have so much that I cannot wait to share with the Lubbock Mom community. I am an open book, almost to a fault, and I usually don't know when to shut my mouth. Give me some good Mexican food and a bottle of wine and we will most certainly become best friends. My favorite part about living in the Lubbock area is the diversity. I have my own beliefs as views (as we all do), but I absolutely love connecting with people of all walks of life. I never meet a stranger and I can't wait to connect with you!