17 Fridays Until Christmas

This is a sponsored post brought to you by our partners at Zow Financial Coaching, but all thoughts and opinions are our own.
That’s right. You only have 17 Fridays until Christmas. So what does this mean for the family and finances? It means it’s time to create a plan. 
How much did you and your family spend during the blessed Christmas of 2019?  I challenge you to go back and take a peek.  According to The Ascent, 29.7% of people who went into debt plan to pay it back with their tax returns, and others have no clue how they’ll relinquish that debt.  It’s safe to assume they’ll keep making the minimum payment on a credit card.
Don’t worry! There’s hope, and it’s called a budget.  In 2019, only 56.3% of American’s planned a holiday budget for their giving. As you can imagine, those who created a budget spent drastically less than those who didn’t.  Which are you?  
Now what?


Sounds pretty simple right? Saving will work, but the secret is to put your money somewhere you either can’t get to easily or someplace you can’t see. 
The average shopper spends $602.65 on holiday gifts each year, according to a study done by Lending Tree.  Starting to make the small cuts now will free up much anxiety attached to your holiday season. It’s natural to think there aren’t cuts available to be made in a household. That’s normal. Sacrifice is necessary for a debt-free Christmas.
Below are three options you can begin implementing now to save for Christmas 2020, which has got to be better than the entire year of 2020. These numbers are calculated as though you start making budget cuts this Friday and the total of what you’ll have saved for Black Friday shopping. 
Option 1 Option 2 Option 3

Save $10 a week


Give up 2 Starbucks a week

Save $25 a week


Give up going out to lunch two days a week

 Save $50 a week


Give up a family of four restaurant dinner

$120 $300 $600
$120 may not seem like a lot now, but it’s certainly better than nothing when it’s crunch time. If you are the average American shopper, starting to save $25 a week now, you’ll be halfway to the ordinary gift-giving amount. 
These numbers aren’t magic. It’s just math mixed with a plan. Adapt this idea to your lifestyle and goals to create a healthy holiday for you and your family.
When it’s that wonderful time of year, moms can get caught up in the “stuff” of it. Sometimes less is more.  Saving small now is enough to give the gift of an Explorer Membership at the Science Spectrum.  That is unlimited educational experiences for five people.  What a great gift within the budget, and also less clean up on Christmas Day.  
Saving for Christmas is great, but what about the other days and events in the year? That’s where your budget comes in to play.
Don’t have a budget? You’re missing out. 
As a Ramsey Preferred Financial Coach, I help others fix their relationship with money. If you want to learn more about how you too can have financial freedom all year round and leave a legacy for your children, visit my website here or book your complimentary consultation here
Don’t start your New Year off with debt.  Decide to make 2020 better, and proceed into 2021 without holiday debt following you.
Leave a comment, and let me know how you plan to save for the holidays.