Hi, I’m Kori! I’m a millennial mom with an old soul. My husband and I met in 2010 when he proceeded to tell me fifty facts about why Texas is better than any other state. I ended up falling for him (and Texas) pretty quickly. Our relationship then took the slow and steady route and we finally wed in a small courthouse ceremony in 2015. We became first-time parents to a beautiful baby girl, Abigail, in March 2018. Needless to say, we’re newbies and please send help! If I had to describe my parenting style, it would be somewhere between “go with the flow”, “don’t freak out it’s only a stuffy nose”, and “yes, she does need me to snuggle her for 10 more minutes.”
I work full-time as the office manager for a Lubbock-based company that runs multiple franchises all over the state. If I’m not elbow-deep in paperwork, I spend a lot of time in the community talking to anyone and everyone about how great our brands are! When I’m not working or wiping a tiny hiney, you’ll find me at home watching crime TV. I’m a firm believer in eating dinner at the table, even if dinner is only a peanut butter sandwich and that a nice bubble bath can fix just about anything.
Like a lot of people I just sort of ended up in Lubbock and never left. I fell in love with its small town charm, Spanky’s Fried Cheese, and the man that would eventually become my husband. As a child, I moved around often so if anyone asked me where I was from it was along the lines of “Everywhere and Nowhere”. It’ll be a decade this year since I moved here and I would definitely consider myself a Lubbockite. The best part about Lubbock, other than United Market Street, is the people. Hands down. For as large as the city is, the people seem to come together when needed and once you know one person, you end up knowing their whole family. The friends I’ve made here are lifetime friends and I can’t wait for my daughter to truly understand the great community she has behind her. Lubbock’s only downfall would be its offerings for family events. There are a million sporting events if you’re into that sort of thing and you can only go to the Science Spectrum so many times. Luckily, it seems to be getting better with the rumors of an aquarium coming in the next few years. If you know of any fun hidden gems let me know in the comments below!