Hello! I’m Larissa Cable. It’s not pronounced liked it’s spelled. It’s a long I. So, it rhymes with ‘Teresa.’ Which makes no sense phonetically, and whatever! I’ve spent pretty much my entire life being called the wrong thing, and I’ll answer to you either way. I’m a realtor in Lubbock and I absolutely love helping people accomplish the American dream of homeownership. It’s so incredibly special to be a part of that journey. My husband, Barrett, is a superintendent for a commercial construction company in Lubbock. We have been married for 9 years and we have three children; a 17-year-old daughter, and two boys ages 14 and 11. Biologically all three children are mine and Barrett was able to officially adopt them last year. It was a day we didn’t see coming for a long time, if ever, and then all the sudden the door became open and we took it. With three kiddos, it can be hard to find spare time and when I have it, I enjoy working out particularly running, and writing. We are very involved in our church and have a special interest in St. Benedict’s Chapel which helps support the homeless, working poor, and food insecure.
I’m a native West Texan and I claim Post as my home because that’s where I was born and my family is from. My Dad was a preacher, so we moved around quite a bit and I have lived in Montana, New Mexico, and deep in South Texas. Who knew there was life past San Antonio? Y’all, there’s a whole other world. I promise; I lived there! I graduated from a school in McAllen – now THAT is South Texas and wanted to come back to West Texas immediately. How can you not love it here? I graduated from Lubbock Christian University and have been here ever since. Lubbock is the biggest small town! We have everything we need and the best people. Just about every person you meet knows someone you know or is related to them. I could do without the wind, but that seems obvious. Yet, where else can you go to see a more breathtaking sunset? Moving around as a kid was hard, however, I am very grateful for the diversity I experienced. It taught me a lot, and it’s a part of my love story. I actually met Barrett when we lived in Clovis. We were both youngsters and went our separate ways after our family moved away. We reconnected as adults after both of our divorces and the rest is history. I’m incredibly grateful for the life I have been given and to be a part of this community! There’s no place I’d rather be.