Meet Robin Averhoff!


Hi, I’m Robin! My favorite and proudest titles are being a Christian, a wife to my favorite dairy farmer, KR, and momma to Lynlee and Ellie Kate. Being a wife and mom are the greatest joys that the Lord has blessed me with.

KR and I have been married 3 years and I am so grateful to be his wife and join him on this crazy, wild adventure of life. Truth is, marrying him changed my world in many ways. He loves cows, farming, and leading people. I, too, love people, but I have a lot to learn about dairying and farming. However, being KR’s wife and seeing his passion for life on a daily basis, makes me his biggest fan, promoter, and advocate. Speaking of, if you’re reading this, I must remind you that if you haven’t had your three servings of dairy today, grab a glass of milk, or even better, a big bowl of ice cream – cheers!

Being a mom has opened my eyes to so much. So. Much. It’s messy. It’s exhausting. And yet, it’s the most beautiful and lovely thing I’ve ever known. Our two girls are so much fun and have given my life a whole new purpose. It is our hope to raise them to be kind, confident, to find the beauty in all things, and always show the love of Christ.

KR and I love to travel and experience different cultures (we’ve started this fun hashtag for our family to record all our adventures, #averhoffadventures). While I’m sure some of our journeys will slow down with our two girls and the madness that carrying car seats through an airport is, we hope to share our love for traveling with our girls and show them the world. I love good iced tea (UN-SWEET!, which I don’t think I should have to specify) and iced lattes. I also love creating special moments and believe in the little details because that’s really where love lives. I am passionate about my full-time job outside of the house, but also believe the most important work I will ever do is inside the walls of our home. I’m a huge believer in the fact that ALL moms work because being a mom is the best full-time job I’ll ever have; also the most demanding, exhausting, and the one that truly requires all.the.skills – can I get an Amen?!

Our lives look a little different than most dairy farming families. We actually don’t live on the farm, and we have chosen to call Shallowater, Texas, home. I love being a part of the greater Lubbock community. For me, the best things about Lubbock are the churches, the people, and the ability to be involved. If you’ve spent any time in the Hub City, you know I’m right when I say the people are the best, usually very friendly — sometimes can’t drive well — but, oh man, we have made so many friends here who are more like family. I also love getting to be involved in the community, which is one of the many reasons I love calling West Texas home. Here, you have the ability to get involved and to serve your community as much, or as little, as you choose. Like any town, Lubbock isn’t perfect. But, goodness, I can’t think of many things I would change. We have good food, and lots of it, most places are very family friendly, excellent healthcare, and the best athletic teams to watch (anyone with me, RAIDER POWER?!).

I believe in surrounding yourself with others who challenge you, encourage you to be your best, and embrace motherhood alongside you. Therefore, I am so excited about Lubbock Moms Blog and glad you’re joining and reading along!