Being a Mother Can Be Extremely Rough – Poetry for the Soul


The Early Stages

Seven A.M., how are you already here?
I’m so tired that I can’t even shed a tear.

I need some coffee; please make it a triple!
Because the baby spent all night sucking on my nipple.

I’m exhausted and hungry. I’m tired; I’m lonely.
Can someone please help for even a day, if only?

I’ve gotta change a diaper. Oh great, it’s full of poop.
I haven’t talked to anyone lately. I feel so out of the loop.

The toddler is screaming. Oh great, what happened now?
He got stuck in a position, and I’m wondering, how?

I catch myself getting sucked into the cartoons on TV.
Which leaves me wondering, what the hell happened to me?

Am I stuck in a funk? Is this depression?
Or just the aftermath of the baby’s sleep regression?

I love my kids with all of my might.
And for them, I will do whatever: scratch, claw, and fight.

I know this early stage of motherhood won’t last for long.
And I do know this is exactly where I belong.

But, it doesn’t make it easy; in fact, it’s just plain tough.
Because being a Mother can be extremely rough.