Michelle Bates
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Mid-September, a post was made in our Lubbock Moms contributor's group asking someone to write about October being Breast Cancer Awareness Month. My immediate thought was, "Please let someone else jump on this. I...
Five Friday Favorites: Saving Money Online
We all shop online, am I right? I try my best to support local stores, but sometimes we must turn online to find the things we need. So let's talk about how you can...
Mom Guilt vs Self Care
Before school started, I told my husband I needed a mental break and went to Ruidoso for a week. Just me and my dog, alone in the mountains for five whole days. I knew...
Recovering from COVID
In March of 2020, we were all plunged into a sudden quarantine due to the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 and the resulting COVID-19 virus. We were told at first, just 10 days to "flatten the curve."...
Five Friday Favorites – Injured Arm Edition
I recently managed to fall and break my shoulder (a fracture of the greater tuberosity, to be specific), which has left me one-armed for the foreseeable future. Of course, it was my dominant arm,...
Diary of a Chronically Ill Mom: Dear Husband
Dear Diary,
It has now been over four months since I received a diagnosis for my newest chronic illness. It has now been over eight months since that illness began. It has been over 15...
Motherless Mothers on Mother’s Day
A few months back, I wrote a blog post about being a Motherless Mother. Every day is hard, I assure you of that. But also, every day is a little bit easier than the...
Diary of a Chronically Ill Mom: Dear Children
Dear Diary,
I missed another basketball game today. I cannot even begin to count the number of functions that are so important to my children that I have missed. Why do I keep fumbling things?...
Not the Fun Parent
Christmas 2019, back when we could interact with people outside of our own bubble, my extended family took a cruise. We were on the shuttle from the airport to the port, and the kids...
Diary of a Chronically Ill Mom: Dear Diary
Dear Diary,
I have a lot to share about life with a chronic illness, but first, let me introduce myself. My name is Michelle, and I am a 34-year-old wife to Kevin and mother to...