Alright, listen. I’m all for cooking a nice hearty meal for my family and slaving over the stove for hours at a time. (….right?) But sometimes, we as moms owe it to ourselves to skip the hassle and just order out! Watch some GOT, fold that laundry, or do nothing at all. With all of the delivery services nowadays, basically, any restaurant is within your reach. You just download an app, select what you want and BOOM, delivered!
With that being said, I just had to brag about an amazing experience I recently had. My oldest daughter had pretty invasive surgery on all 4 of her extremities in ONE day and we were in the hospital for 36 hours before coming home. I probably slept a total of 47 whole minutes the entire time we were there. Do you think the first thing I wanted to do was skip to the kitchen and whip up some dinner? Absolutely not. So, I decided pretty quickly that I would be ordering something to be delivered. But I didn’t want the fast food places we usually order from. I wanted something a little more fulfilling and nutritious after the hectic week we’d had and then I saw it. The perfectly placed advertisement right there in my app. “Dion’s now delivers with DoorDash!” Game changer.
{Get the app here and hurry! https://www.dions.com/about/dions-app}
Y’all, if you have never had Dion’s Pizza, let me express to you just how much you are missing. Not only do they have wonderful pizzas that can be made for just about anyone, but their salads are to die for! So for all you healthy mamas, this is for you. Order the kids and hubby something they will enjoy while you get to stay within your diet [and have something that’s actually WORTH eating!]. Since I will not admit to being an extremely healthy eater, I went straight to their subs; a frequently overlooked menu item. I’m a bit partial to the Turkey & Swiss but let’s be honest, they are all so full of flavor that I knew whatever direction I went would be perfect. (and HELLO, for all THREE of these menu items, if you don’t get their ranch, you will regret it. It’s the best. I swear!)
{Check out all of the great nutrition information, healthy tips, and allergen menus here: https://www.dions.com/about/nutrition-and-ingredients}
But all of that? To be DELIVERED, on a budget and I didn’t even have to put on real pants to get dinner?? I was stoked! Ordering was so simple; I ordered a pizza for the kids, salad for all of us to share and a sub for me all from my phone on Dion’s app. It was delivered within 35 minutes the kids were beyond happy with dinner!
After such an easy and successful experience, I plan to keep them at the top of my list. For our next sleepover, game day, or even just for another evening I am not feeling like Martha Stewart 😉 I highly recommend that you all try it as well. As much as I enjoy an evening at Dion’s restaurant, having it delivered made for such an easy and relaxing evening that I know every one of you deserves!
More about Dion’s:
- As an active member of the community, Dion’s is a participant of Lubbock Meals on Wheels.
- Dion’s offers educational tours of their restaurants and for $4 (per person, must be three years of age), you receive a guided tour of the kitchen, an educational workbook, pre and post tour workbooks, PIZZA, juice, a Dion’s t-shirt, pencil, and crayons!
Dion’s 2721 82nd Location on Facebook
Dion’s 6410 82nd Location on Facebook
Dion’s history: Jon Patten and Bill Scott came to Albuquerque from Michigan in 1978, with dreams of opening a Greek restaurant fit for the gods. After purchasing a small place called New York Pizza, Jon and Bill began to carry out the plans of turning the pizzeria into a Greek eatery (say that five times fast). While waiting for the equipment to make gyros and baklava, the previous owner taught them how to make pizza so they could start serving hungry customers immediately. Bill and Jon had the perfect name for their pizza-for-now-but-really-Greek-restaurant: “Dionysus”, after the Greek god of the grape harvest and wine. But when it came to making the sign, they balked at the price. Inflation had skyrocketed since ancient Greek times. They asked the sign maker what they could do to make their sign less expensive. He laughed and replied, “Well, you could knock off a few letters.” And that’s just what Jon and Bill did. From that moment on, their restaurant became known as Dion’s®. For more information, visit www.dions.com or call 505-858-1010, they can also be found on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.