If you are looking for a one-stop-shop salsa guide for the BEST locally-made salsas, look no more! Below, one of our very own #LubbockDads sampled and put the most recommended and home-grown salsas to the test! From the best flavor to heat rating and texture, we covered it all! With the holidays coming up, there is no better time to stock up, support local businesses, and give the gift of the Salsa to the ones you care about the most.
Slaton’s very own Kylito’s Salsa!
While Kyle Lancaster, better known as “Kylito,” has been an aspiring chef since the 1970s, the popularity of his Salsa started way back when he and a friend opened Jodarro’s Grill in 2001. Patrons of the restaurant put the Salsa on everything “from enchiladas to chicken fried steaks!” It wasn’t until a few years later, after the restaurant closed and “Kylito” was jarring Salsa to keep up with customer demand, that “Kylito’s Salsa Co. LLC” became official. Now you can purchase one of their many flavors on their website, on Amazon, and even your local grocery store!
Kylito’s Original Salsa
Heat Index 3/10
This Salsa is perfect for the more sensitive pallet since it is not too spicy. With a delicious and fresh flavor, I would recommend this Salsa for those who enjoy the classic salsa taste without suffering the heat!
Kylito’s Roasted Salsa
Heat Index 7/10
This Salsa has what could be described as a medium texture – not too thick, but thick enough that it doesn’t run off the chip – so you get a great flavor in each bite. It has the perfect smokey flavor that allows the fresh vegetable taste to come through without any individual taste being too overwhelming.
Kylito’s Hot Salsa
Heat Index: 7/10
Heat caution is recommended for this one! With the perfect amount of spice that doesn’t overwhelm, it has a fresh and classic salsa taste that won’t disappoint.
Kylito’s Roasted Green Chile
Heat Index: 5/10
The Roasted Green Chile Salsa is perfect for hatch lovers because the green chiles shine through and offer a unique variation to the classic salsa flavor. With this Salsa, you can expect a thicker and chunkier texture. It also has a strong smokey flavor that you would expect from a fantastic roasted salsa. This would be perfect with chicken, burgers, and eggs!
Purchase Kylito’s Salsas here: https://kylitos.com/
Scott’s Gourmet Salsa Company!
Scott’s Gourmet Salsa is made by a local Dr. Scott Howard D.C.! He is a self-proclaimed “salsa snob” and started making his salsa because he “couldn’t find anything that fit his* taste in salsa.” Like the reason behind this salsa guide, Dr. Howard came up with his own when he couldn’t find what he was looking for! In addition, since he is a doctor, he is very well versed on what should and should not go into our bodies. Because of this, he knows precisely “what NOT to add to food,” so you will not find preservatives, sugars, or vinegar in Scott’s Gourmet Salsa! It is just as healthy as it is tasty! Lastly, one of my favorite parts about this salsa is all of the work that goes into making it! For this salsa, not only are freshly farmed vegetables brought in each time, but they are also ACTUALLY roasted over a fire to give every jar that “roasted veggie” taste you are looking for!
Scott’s Gourmet Salsa – Savory
Heat Index: 3/10
If you’re looking for the Scott’s salsa that best compliments food without overwhelming you with heat, this is it! This, too, is a thicker salsa but has a bold and distinct flavor. It is roasted to perfection and has a hint of sweet after taste that makes for a unique experience.
Scott’s Gourmet Salsa – Hot
Heat Index: 5/10
This salsa is a favorite with its classic salsa taste and chunky texture! The vegetables work well together to create a harmonious flavor. The texture is just the right amount of “chunky,” so you get all the flavors in one bite and don’t have to worry about it running off of your chip! In addition, the roasted flavors are done well and not overwhelming at all but just enough to satisfy those picky salsa purists!
Scott’s Gourmet Salsa – “The Texan”
Heat Index: 5/10
This salsa is as thick and as bold as Texas itself! With the thickest texture of all of Scott’s salsas, it entices your senses as soon as you pop off the lid with its appetizing look and smell. With this salsa, you will enjoy a big smokey flavor with an accent of garlic taste that will keep you coming back for more!
Purchase Scott’s Gourmet Salsa here: https://scottsgourmetsalsa.com/
S-A-C-K-S (ES-AH-SI-KEH-ES) Salsa!
The name says it all… “Yes, that is the one” Salsa
The idea behind our Salsa was all driven by our friends during our gatherings. We always had Salsa ready, and they loved it! They kept insisting that we bring the Salsa to their gatherings and sell it as well.
After several requests and suggestions, we decided to go for it. We made every batch with love and passion, which is how the flavor was developed and perfected. Consequently, it became the People’s Choice award winner at the Salsa & Sangria event at Llano Estacado Winery. That confirmed our support. Therefore, we decided to manufacture it in mass quantities.
I’ve had several questions regarding the name. It began with trying to help friends who didn’t know how to speak Spanish but wanted to communicate. I encouraged them to spell SOCKS in Spanish, es-oh-si-keh-es. Which translates to, “that’s what it is.” I explained they would be able to respond using this phrase and engage in a pleasant exchange. SACKS (es-ah-si-keh-es) then came to mind because I genuinely believe that this is the one!
S.A.C.K.S. Salsa – Mild
Heat Index: 6/10
While delicious with every bite, you can expect extra heat with this Salsa! This flavor is well done and has that true fire-roasted authentic flavor that compliments the overall taste rather than overwhelms it. The best part is that the fresh, crisp vegetable taste comes through in every single bite!
S.A.C.K.S. Salsa – Original
Heat Index: 7/10
Like the Mild, this original flavor has the delectable taste of the actual fire-roasted vegetables that puts every Salsa over the top! You can also taste a garlic flavor that prominently but enhances that classic salsa flavor to make it a favorite! You can undoubtedly expect more heat with this Salsa with a 7/10 on the heat scale but with no sacrifice to the delicious salsa taste!
Purchase S.A.C.K.S Salsa here: https://sackssalsa.wixsite.com/sacks
Rockin’ vonBerg Salsas!
Whitney has always had a love for a good salsa. When she decided it was getting too expensive to keep her family supplied, she decided to try her hand at making her own. With three kids under the age of 8, Whitney and her husband Eric found it easier to have family and friends over on the weekend to cook out and swim instead of going somewhere else to hang out.
The guests always loved the salsa. When a few started offering to pay for freshly homemade salsa, she increased the amount she was making to accommodate the orders coming in. She wondered if she could do it on a larger scale, and the farmers market seemed just the place to try her luck.
The farmers market proved to be a successful venture, with repeat customers and requests for many products. Salsa verde, Jalapeno jams, and barbeque sauce became big sellers every weekend. This little business has allowed her to stay home with her very active kids and be very involved with their sports and FFA activities.
Rockin’ vonBerg Salsa
Heat Index: 4/10
This salsa is great for the classic “chips and salsa” snack! It also has a nice thick texture so that you can keep all of the delicious flavors right on your chip with every bite! The unique thing about this salsa is the tiny hint of sweet flavor that perfectly accents the other flavors of the vegetables! I would also recommend pairing this salsa with tacos or when you are looking for just the right thing to top off any meal!
Rockin’ vonBerg Salsa Verde
Heat Index: 2/10
You can expect to find lots of flavor in this salsa verde! It will pair great with a lot of dishes. This salsa is perfect for those who want the incredible taste of salsa verde but can’t handle a lot of heat. It also has a nice sweetness added that will make you want more and more!
Purchase Rockin’ vonBerg Salsa here: https://www.facebook.com/rockinvonbergfarms
Johnny G’s Salsa!
“I originally posted our Tatemada salsa on the LBK Foodies Facebook page one day, and it blew up. I was pretty much beside myself and was like, “Oh man, I’ve created a monster…”, haha! It’s nothing romantic, but Johnny G’s Salsa started out of necessity. My family and I moved back to Lubbock to be closer to our extended family at the beginning of 2020, and shortly after, the pandemic hit. As a result, it became hard to find a good-paying job, and I had to start thinking outside of the box. My Great Grandfather taught me how to make our family’s salsa recipes when I was eight years old, which have their roots back to the Pre-Columbian era. It’s changed a bit, but Johnny G’s salsas have been prepared the same way for 100’s and 100’s of years. So, with that said, salsa is a Native American food. If you think about it, all Mexican food is with varying outside influences because, well, history. In reality, Tomatoes & Chillis/peppers are more American than mom’s apple pie!”
Johnny also packages his salsa containers in a brown paper bag every time. If you are familiar with the Hispanic culture or weren’t very wealthy growing up, you know what that brown bag meant! During the hard years, there wasn’t much to give on Christmas, and it was common to receive a brown bag with an apple, orange, and some pecans if there was a little extra to spare. While it may not seem like much, it was a real treat when you didn’t regularly get these food items during the rest of the year! Johnny said that he wanted to bring everything back to its roots and use a little symbolism to represent the humble beginnings of his salsa!
Johnny G’s Rojo
Heat Index: 6/10
This thick and hearty salsa will have you enjoying its intense roasted vegetable flavors at first taste. It is followed by a fresh salsa flavor that doesn’t leave you wanting anything more. It has a unique twist on the classic salsa Roja that you will be sure to enjoy and is defiantly a favorite!
Johnny G’s Salsa Verde
Heat Index: 4/10
Johnny G’s Salsa Verde is an excellent alternative to Johnny G’s Rojo salsa. This salsa has a great flavor in which the tomatillo taste shines through. It has excellent heat with a significant element of sweetness you might not expect. This thick and chunky salsa delivers consistent flavor in each bite!
Johnny G’s Tatemada
Heat Index: 11/10
This Tatemada salsa is the one that put Johnny G’s on the map, and I can see why. With the heat index at a whopping 11/10, it is for those who are not faint of heart and enjoy living life dangerously. You can expect a thick consistency that is full of flavor and heat. We recommend that you pair it with food because it’s SUPER hot but SUPER good!
Purchase Johnny G’s Salsa here: https://www.facebook.com/salsaslinger/
Supporting local has always been so important to us, and after tasting all of these salsa’s, you will have no trouble doing so yourself! The delicious and savory salsa we reviewed are all local here in West Texas and owned by such great people! You can find them all over from your local grocery store shelves, Amazon, or even straight from the owner’s front door! Below you can find info and links on where to purchase your very own jar and just in time for all of your holiday gifts and meals!
Do you have a favorite local salsa that wasn’t mentioned above? Be sure to let us know below in the comments!