The title says it all but this isn’t about an affair or scandal. This is about genuine kindness and being a good person.
I can remember having my first boyfriend. That first real relationship, the excitement that came with it but also the learning to work through things. Understanding how to be great with someone else and figuring out how to navigate issues. Issues that are nothing compared to the problem-solving in my marriage now but what I did learn has carried over to every relationship since that first one. People are put in our paths for so many reasons – to learn, to grow, to love and be loved.

He may not be your husband one day BUT he’s someone else’s husband.
Sounds kinda funny, doesn’t it? Let me explain. He may not be your future husband but he is someone else’s! Treat that person the way you would want your husband to be treated.
You may end up broken-hearted. I’ve been there more times than I can count. Those heartbreaks happened in past relationships because it wasn’t supposed to work out. That right person was waiting for me. What I learned and what mattered is how you treat people in the end. It’s what they will remember the most – not the time spent, or the adventures you had but how YOU treated them.
He may not be your husband BUT he’s someone else’s husband. Worth the wait!
