It’s the first Five Friday Favorites of 2022!
Are you a resolutions person? I am very much a “new year, same me” person, but I do have five goals that I am working towards.
Drink more water.
I have a tough time drinking water when it’s cold outside. Water has to be ice cold when I drink it. I don’t always want my insides to be cold when my outside is cold, you know? I’m working on it. What are your tips on drinking water?
Move my body in different ways.
I found FitOn back in the summer of 2020. I love their extensive library of free workouts. I am pretty proud to say that I have managed to stay somewhat consistent on working out. After taking a month off sick, getting new flooring installed, being sick again, and the holidays, I started back up last week. This year, one of my goals is to find new kinds of workouts that I have never done and to try them out. So far, I have CrossFit and yoga on my list to try.
Read more books.
Reese Witherspoon recently posted that one of her goals was to “spend 30-60 mins reading without distraction every day.” I can’t do that. I have a hard time sitting and reading actual books these days, so I am all about audiobooks (yes, audiobooks count!). I love putting my earphones in and pressing play while working on laundry. I joined the Goodreads reading challenge this year and challenged myself to 10 books. Are you #teambooks or #teamaudiobooks?
Open new doors
I have been a stay-at-home mom for the last decade. Both of my kids started school in person in the fall, and I have had some extra time on my hands to figure out my next step. I have been taking baby steps and have enjoyed it, so another goal is to open new doors. I also have to realize my limit, and so while I work on opening new doors, I know that I will have to close some old doors. What new doors are you opening?
Go easy on me.
Queen Adele released “Easy On Me,” and she is right, as always. I put so much pressure on myself and say yes to more things than I should. I am working on going easy on myself, knowing my limits, setting boundaries, saying no, and working on quality over quantity. It’s tough. I am a recovering people pleaser, and saying no is not my strong suit.
What are your goals or resolutions for this new year?