Dear Sean,
I was pregnant with you when I watched the twin towers fall. Now, just a few months shy of your high school graduation, we are having conversations about a global pandemic. Your generation has seen troubling times in between, including natural disasters like hurricanes Katrina and Harvey, school shootings like Sandy Hook, and polarizing election years. As your mom, it saddens and scares me. No parent wants their child to experience times of uncertainty. And yet, here we are. However, I know your generation will rise.
Today, I watched you play with your younger brothers, and it filled me with joy. Later, I had a private conversation with you about the virus that is gripping the world with panic, and I was comforted. Yes, YOU made ME feel better. I see the kindness and love in your heart; I see the light and wisdom in your soul.
Unfortunately, your generation has experienced strange and unsettling times. Fortunately, your generation has also developed resiliency and a different way of looking at life. You are a force to be reckoned with. You will change the world. I am so proud to be your mom.
I know we need to keep things in perspective. In what would have been your grandfather’s senior year in high school, he was serving the Marines overseas. All we’re asking you to do is stay home. However, it’s still a loss, and you are allowed to grieve the loss of what you expected this time of your life to be like. You are allowed to feel all of the emotions you are experiencing.
To you and the other 2020 Seniors, I am so sorry that this has happened – senior trips being canceled, championship games not being played, all the other things that you have worked so hard for having to take a backseat. A time of your lives where you should be carefree is instead being overshadowed. But as disappointed as you are, I know you understand, and we love you even more for that. The celebrations might have to wait, but you’d better believe that a celebration of you and your accomplishments WILL happen.
P.S. — Did you wash your hands? With soap??