Welcome to Me


Every girl has dreams.

They dream of their wedding day and first child, jobs, businesses, and coffee dates with best friends. The thing with dreams is that they do not come true without work. A common misconception is that a dream will come to fruition without putting forth effort. Some of us believe that if we speak the vision out, someone else will make it happen.

Some of us are waiting for God to “send help.” Many of us believe that we cannot do it “on our own.” So many people die with dreams in their hearts that they never put into action. Not because they were not capable, but because they were unsure that they were qualified. But who qualifies you? The dream is yours. Sally Mae, down the street, did not place that dream in your heart, in your spirit. A dream is our own, and we can choose if we make it come true, but unfortunately, most of the time, we do not.

That is where I sat for years.

Constantly twiddling my thumbs, dreaming about all the “could be’s” and “what ifs.” I have an insurmountable amount of dreams that brew in my heart daily. My mistake is that I sit on them, legs crossed and arms folded, without putting my hand to the fire.

Recently, my husband quit his full-time job to pursue his dream of being an entrepreneur and starting multiple businesses. My practical brain screamed, “NOOO!” Then, on the other hand, my heart yearned for him to have what he wanted. I wanted him to pursue what would make him happy. There are still days when I question what I was thinking, but then I remind myself of two things: 1. God has our back. 2. He is living outside the norm, and I refuse to let him die with his dreams still in his heart.

So, if I can let my husband pursue his dreams, what holds me back?

Is it the fear of failing? The uncertainty of knowing what will happen. Or is it simply me? Am I the reason that I stopped pursuing my heart’s desires? Do I keep myself from stepping into what God has placed in my heart to dream up? Sadly, the answer is yes. I have been standing in my way when it comes to my dreams. I imagined opening that bistro, the book I want to write, the letters I want behind my name, and the blog that I want to share with everyone who needs to hear my story.

Until now, today, I step out in faith. It is time to open my heart, to use my pen, and to share my story. The dreams are leaving the station. My goals are going to find their way to reality, starting with a simple blog. A blog to share my heart, dreams, life, desires for the world, and family. A blog to open eyes, challenge, and affirm and to show that if a woman, as simple but so much more complex than you know, can pursue the dreams of her heart and finally place her pen to paper.

So can you!

So, relax, grab some coffee, buckle your bootstraps, and welcome. Welcome to Me. A woman chasing after God’s purpose, raising a family, supporting my husband, cooking all the things, and growing more and more every day from the pain, joy, and craziness of it all.



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I have been married to the love of my life for 8 years and have a spunky 3-year old that keeps me on my toes. My favorite things include coffee, Mexican food, and binging Netflix. I have worked in the non-profit world for 8 years and love making an impact in people's lives. Writing is my outlet, and I love sharing my words with others. When I'm not working I enjoy reading, spending time with family and friends, and cooking.