International Bereaved Mother’s Day, May 5th
Do you know a bereaved mother? Hug her. Has your sister lost a pregnancy? Give her a call. Did your grandmother outlive any of her children? Send her a prayer. In other words, love on a mother who has lost a child. They need you.
Losing a child, no matter how and at any age, is the worst way to grieve. The pain you feel is not only emotional, but it’s also physical. Your body hurts, your heart hurts, your hair even hurts. Miscarriage, SIDS, SUIDS, car accidents, cancer, diseases, natural catastrophes, or in my case… suicide. There are several more ways we mothers have lost our beautiful children. Each way is equally devastating. Each of us has a story, only some of us can tell it. Zane is my reason for “celebrating” National Bereaved Mother’s Day. I love him so much that I write this post to remind each and every one of you to celebrate all other mothers who are in their own dungeons of grief.
Every May, us mothers who are in a constant fury, are entitled to a day of honor. May 5th belongs to us. We are no longer whole. We have an emptiness, so give us a little love to fill that void, even if only for a little while.
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