There was a time, back in college, when a spider was legitimately crawling on my face, and I woke up screaming.
So, I happen to believe that old myth that we eat them in our sleep.
Then, there was another occasion that I reached my hand behind the entertainment center and found an angry scorpion – gotta love Texas. Then, of course, haven’t we all had a run-in with a flying demon/cockroach?! I hear that sucking them up with your vacuum is far less effective than just calling Fox Pest Control. Just go ahead and save this number in your phone right this very minute: 806-375-3989 – that way, when you have your first run-in with a mouse, you can quickly call and scream at them, instead of your spouse 😉

I’m not one to mess with a good thing, so when Fox Pest Control offered to swoop in and save us from an ant infestation and get rid of those daddy long legs that kept vying for my coffee mug, I signed up fast! Not only did the office staff laugh at all my bed bug jokes, but they got me on the calendar right away. I scheduled a quarterly service for our home and a shop out back that will house my future jazzercise classes (no joke, I intend to hold the neighborhood workout sesh back there someday, and I can’t have centipedes scaring all my friends away!).
Here’s a quick snapshot of exactly what my plan looks like…
When the services happen, when I pay my bill, and of course, 12 glorious months free of those nasty jumping beetles that always scare the bejeezus out of me on the way to the garage.
On the day of the treatment, we made sure to clear as many lonesome socks out of corners and put away all the dusty legos lying around.
I loved the text heads up when the technician was 15 minutes away (hello, barking dogs, and let’s be honest… I was still in my PJs, so I quickly threw my nice sweat pants on. Ha!), and he even waved when he was walking up to the porch. Not only was he super friendly, but he also double-checked that we were all ready for a new person to enter the house. He greeted me, my husband, and at least one kid running around in his swimsuit at 9:15 in the morning.
He thoroughly explained what the plan was, talked us through everything we should look for, and keep an eye on – like a bunch of dead bugs popping up because it worked!
I also really felt like he was there to help us improve our home environment. We talked about my granddad’s old Telefunken (we both share a love of vinyl records!), he made some 4-year-old boy jokes that my son heartily laughed at, and he even gave me a few recommendations for a window company that I might need soon. Of course, I felt totally comfortable with the products as well – having two gigantic Doodles that are constantly into everything means we need to have pet-friendly pest control.
It’s now been a month of letting everything settle in, and if I’m honest, I’ve enjoyed watching the Roomba suck up those roaches, beetles, and whatever else that met a timely fate.
Fox Pest Control has given us peace of mind and, of course, “No Bugs. Simply Better.”
If your family is in the market to torch those termites and ground those grasshoppers, make a call today! Fox Pest Control is a locally operated company that is great for our Lubbock community.