Mom’s Spring Break with Cotton Court Hotel


Can you believe it’s March? We sure can! January lasted for at least 91 days, February was a blur of candy hearts, and we are SO GLAD to feel a little spring breeze coming our way lately. Have you noticed that the kids are on edge? We can bet you’re in just as much need of a spring break as they are!

Enter the stunning Cotton Court Hotel. This gorgeous property is a retreat in the center of our city. The throwback and nostalgic vibe will not only transport you from your day-to-day reality, but it also feels like you’re stepping back in time.

The hotel is created to homage to the popular midcentury roadside hotels that dotted our country before the interstate highway system.

The rooms are beautifully appointed and filled with touches that tie to Lubbock’s rich agriculture and music heritage (adorable cross stitch Buddy Holly quotes and cotton bolls are incorporated into the room décor). You’ll find a fully stocked SMEG refrigerator in each room that will make you think you stumbled into Donna Reed’s kitchen and luxurious bathrooms with comfy white robes. It’s exactly what a mom needs to step away and get a time out.

Last Fall, we hosted the Lubbock Moms Sips & S’mores Night Out at the Cotton Court.

We gathered in the property’s signature courtyard filled with twinkle lights, fire pits, cozy groups of seating, and even a hammock or two. We had food from the delicious menu at Midnight Shift with delightful custom cocktails. Then, we purchased s’more kits that the hotel provided with jumbo marshmallows, chocolate bars, and graham crackers to make our dessert unencumbered by the sticky fingers of little ones stealing our treats!

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It was a perfect night to gather, and Lubbock Moms wants YOU to get this same magical experience.

We are offering a complimentary one-night stay at the Cotton Court.

Nominate a mom today who deserves a break (nominate yourself if you need it!) by filling out this NOMINATION FORM by March 10. And we will draw for a giveaway on March 11, just in time for Spring Break!

Take a night for yourself. Walk through campus in the nice weather, take in a show at The Buddy Holly Hall, grab a yummy meal from the Midnight Shift and TREAT YOURSELF! Crawl into that comfy bed, draw yourself a bath, and soak in the magic of being alone.

Thank you to the Cotton Court Hotel for partnering with Lubbock Moms to provide one lucky mama with some springtime relief!

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Chelsea is the owner and founder of Lubbock Moms. She is married to Jason and mom to Olivia and Jake. Chelsea is a sometimes-fun mom and really enjoys productivity, achievement, and crossing things off her to-do list (Enneagram 3, much?!). Her family enjoys cuddling, canceled plans, and YouTube Kids. She's involved in the Lubbock community through the Junior League, Chamber of Commerce, and alllllll the committees. Favorite Lubbock Restaurant: Giorgio's Pizza Favorite Lubbock Landmark: The Terra Estates North Neighborhood Favorite Lubbock Tradition: The incredible sunsets