
Tag: kids

Kids Say the Darndest Things

"MAMA! What does it smell like?" Said my 4-year-old daughter as we entered the restaurant restroom because she just "had to go potty" right as...

Confessions of a Recovering People-Pleaser

Hi, I'm Lindsey, and I'm a recovering people-pleaser. In the realm of things to have to admit publicly, this seems relatively tame. Oooh, you're a people...

The Good, The Bad, The New Year

Memories are a precious gem. I can remember almost everything. Growing up, my mother would claim I had selective memory, and to an extent,...

Lessons From a Strawberry Pie

Not too long ago, shortly before his 12th birthday, my middle child asked to make a strawberry pie. Well, technically, he sent me a...

Raising Kids with Secured Identity

When you hear the word 'identity,' there is much that comes to mind. With my experience as a psychology major, a counselor by nature,...

Teaching a Healthy Lifestyle

Today I realized that fitness is something taught. A while back, I started a small challenge I saw in a magazine article about doing 100...

Cooking with Krystal

My experience with cooking isn't as southern as I'd like. I can remember making the basics like "candy," homemade biscuits (or so I thought...

A Letter to Younger Me

Do you ever wish you could write a letter to your younger self? Twelve years ago, when I was 22 and newly married with...

The Read-Aloud Mom

I’ll admit it. Sometimes I’m just so tired. By the end of the day, I just want to throw my kids in bed and...