
Tag: life

Worst Day of My Life

What was the worst day of your life? The day you were fired? Or the day the love of your life left you? We've all...

Remembered Treasures

It's always crazy to me how grief works. I had entirely forgotten that the girls' four glasses that they drink juice out of every morning...

The Story of Our Middle Child

I remember our very first moments together. The first calm after all the commotion and chaos of her coming into this world on her...

I’m Divorced

I'm divorced. There I said it. I married young, stayed for biblical reasons, and divorced after five years of "education." A few questions and statements have...

It’s Always the Tires

I have always had bad luck when it comes to tires. I'm usually an optimistic person. I look for rainbows and wear rose-colored glasses...

Teaching a Healthy Lifestyle

Today I realized that fitness is something taught. A while back, I started a small challenge I saw in a magazine article about doing 100...

Enjoy the Dream

Stress has overwhelmed me for far too long—specifically, stress about spending more time with my children. Anxiety has me trapped because, in reality, I...