Jordyn Moore
Spring Break Activities in Lubbock
Spring is all about new beginnings and fresh air, and colors, and letting that West Texas wind blow through your hair ;) Whether you're sticking close to home as usual or looking for a...
Lessons from a 90s Girl
The common theme right now for 90's kids is the realization that the big 3-0 is knocking on their door. It is either a moment to embrace or fear, but it is a moment...
Five Friday Favorites: Birthday Party Edition
Birthdays are always fun, but let's be honest, they are usually only fun for the birthday boy/girl. As moms, we take care of the details, planning, party favors, and guest list. Meanwhile, we barely...
My Core Four Friends
Let's be honest. Finding friends as a woman is hard, but it can become even more complicated when you add motherhood in.
As women, we tend to get our feelings hurt more frequently. We write...
Friday Favorites – Date Night Spots
Do you know what Fridays are for? Date Night! This is something that I look forward to. Dates with my spouse are what keep the fire in our marriage alive. What's even better is...
Once Upon December 1st
The Beginning
Eleven years ago, I was a senior in high school. Brimming with promise, potential, and dreams, I had been accepted to what seemed like a billion colleges, having the opportunity to pursue academic...
Welcome to Me
Every girl has dreams.
They dream of their wedding day and first child, jobs, businesses, and coffee dates with best friends. The thing with dreams is that they do not come true without work....
Five Friday Favorites – Local Coffee Shops Edition
Happy Friday! If you're like me, coffee is truly a mom's best friend. I live for iced coffee, hot coffee, cold brew coffee; it doesn't matter. I'm almost sure it runs through my veins....