
Meagan Dillard

I’m Meagan! I was raised in DFW, but became a Lubbock resident when I attended Texas Tech University. I am a mom, wife and special education teacher. My passions include writing, spending time with my family and teaching. In my free time I enjoy watching Netflix, Target runs and trying out local coffee shops.

New year, New Energy

2022 was a year of growth, enrichment, and experience. There were a lot of life lessons learned. For my husband's sake, he was right (honey, if you’re reading this, I didn’t admit that). Here...

Five Friday Favorites: Working Mom Edition

Life isn’t always easy as a working mom. These Friday Favorites help make my life a little easier. Caffeination and comfort are essential as I tackle mom life head-on. Here are five items that...

Doyon Foundation’s Language Revitalization Program

An essential part of my identity is being a Native Alaskan. We function differently than most Native American tribes in the United States. My dad joined Regional Corporations through the Alaska Native Claims Settlement...

The Thick of It

A few weeks ago, on the elevator at work, a lady saw a picture of my baby and asked how old she was. When I replied, “almost four months,” the look on her face...