Our Favorite Things – Back to School Edition




For most of us, school is 1 -3 weeks away!  Have you gotten all of the required supplies and gadgets for your little (or big) one yet? Yah, me neither. Lubbock Moms Collective is here to help you out. Below are are few school essentials,  and where we like to get them.


General Supplies

  1. Amazon (Offers many one-day pick up options for supplies)
  2. Walmart (Often the easiest route. Walmart’s offers supplies via next day delivery and grocery pick-up options)
  3. Target (Offers same day delivery through SHIPT, and order pick up)

No surpise with these three! Another tip (maybe for next year), purchase supplies through the school if applicable. Supplies are delivered for ‘Meet the Teacher’ night!




Backpacks and Lunchboxes

  1. Pottery Barn (Cute prints and good quality. Free shipping during the month of August!)
  2. LL Bean (Durable and Fasionable. Free shipping through August 8th)
  3. KK’s Corner Mall (Shop local. Unique and Stylish)







  1. Target (Great for everyday wear and uniforms)
  2. TJ Maxx (Did you know shipping was available?!)
  3. Walmart (Quick and afforable. Plus, uniform options)







  1. Sports Clips (98th and Quaker) (Handy ‘Check-in’ online feature)
  2. Ridin ‘N’ Style Kids Salon
  3. Sharkey’s Cuts for Kids





Nap Mats 

  1. Amazon (Wildkin, Stephen Joseph, etc.)
  2. KKs Corner Mall
  3. My Cup of Tea Baby (Ozark)





Now, go! For many, the start of school is this many days away. Happy shopping. 

2019/08/14 15:18:01
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Katie is married with 2 young daughters and 2 step-children. She works at the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center in Accreditation. Born in Germany, but originally from Oklahoma (Boomer!), Katie moved to Lubbock in 2009 to attend graduate school at Texas Tech University. She is a member of the Junior League of Lubbock and serves as a CASA Advocate. She believes in positivity and perseverance; every day is a blessing, don't take it for granted.