Who else absolutely LOATHES weekly meal planning?! *currently raising my hand*
For years it was one of my most dreaded chores (behind dishes and laundry). I constantly caught myself making the same few things repeatedly, and we were getting burnt out. I vowed to improve for the new year and found something that worked great for my family. I want to share it with you in hopes that it will also help your family!

Step 1: Purchase some popsicle sticks.
I bought popsicle sticks from Amazon and wrote a different meal on each one. I first wrote down everything I regularly make, then I got on Pinterest and found a few new meals I’d like to try. I got 2 cups out and put all the sticks in one cup.

Step 2: Purchase a magnetic menu (there are so many different options, but this is my favorite!).
Every Sunday, each family member draws a stick, which is written down on the menu. As a stick is drawn and written down, it is moved to the next cup so that it does not get repeated. Once all sticks have moved over, the process will start over!

Step 3: Make your shopping list.
Once the menu is prepared, I make my shopping list! I go through and write down everything needed for each meal; then, I check my pantry and fridge to mark off stuff I already have. Then it’s time to grocery shop!
VOILA! Weekly meal planning is done. It has helped me be more organized and not cook the same meals repeatedly, but it has also helped save on our grocery bills. I was always so good at just throwing stuff in the cart in hopes that I could make a meal, but this way, I got only what was needed. And a small extra perk is that the kids love getting to pick their sticks each week and help Mama plan our meals.

I will have accomplished something if this hack can help even one family. Do you have any meal planning hacks?! Please share them with us!