Raise Kind Humans – A Resource Guide


Moms, we need to talk about our world right now. It is broken. It is hurting.

And some of us are doing the hurting. Most of us aren’t actively harming anyone, but we are too often not actively helping either. That stops now.

Here at Lubbock Moms, we are committed to standing with all of our brothers and sisters and taking action to make our world a safer place for everyone in our communities.

That includes you. And me too.

Many of us get stuck at HOW actually to do this. How can we confront our time’s issues and raise our little humans to be problem solvers instead of problem instigators or uninvolved bystanders? Sometimes we only think of BIG change, but oftentimes, we can make a difference by doing small daily things. Reading books about all types of families and main characters. Watching films and TV shows that show main characters that are People of Color or depict historical events. Following voices on social media that represent a wide range of viewpoints, and most importantly, may not be the ones you see with your very own eyes. Checking out educational resources, listening to podcasts, or supporting social justice organizations. Almost anything we do on a normal basis is something we can make more inclusive. (At our house, the favorite is to read inclusive bedtime stories. This can easily be done on any age level.)

We’ve compiled a list of resources below that you can use as you make it your goal to improve our community, and we encourage you to share resources you’d like to see added. Drop us a line, and we’ll update it! (Also – check back frequently for more resources.)

We’re all in this together, Mamas. And I’m confident in our ability to change the world.

Click on a topic to get started:


American Son


Dear White People

If Beale Street Could Talk

Just Mercy

See You Yesterday


The Hate U Give

When They See Us

11 Fearless Black Women Your Kids Should Know

Embrace Race: Let’s Raise a Generation of Children Who are Thoughtful, Informed, and Brave About Race

Raising Race Conscious Children

Resources for Talking to Your Kids About Race

The Relationship You Have With Yourself Defines the Relationship You Have With Your Child

Your Kids Aren’t Too Young to Talk About Race: Resource Roundup

The Office for Civil Rights (OCR) is a government agency that protects equal access to schools, health services, and other areas.  OCR investigates complaints of discrimination based on race, color, national origin, disability, age sex, and religion. If you or your child experience discrimination from a government entity (such as a school) or health care provider, you can file a complaint and get assistance. For more information on OCR, what they do, and how to file a complaint, visit their webpage.

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Kimberly is an East Coast girl who came to Lubbock for grad school and never left. A proud graduate of Virginia Tech (GO HOKIES!) and Texas Tech, Kimberly married a native Texan and is currently raising two little boys (ages 7 and 8) to be good humans. She is a certified introvert who extroverts all day at work, and her current interests include reading all the books, playing with all the puppies, being an expert of Y-7 TV, and living in a house full of boys 24/7. Favorite Restaurant: Saigon Favorite Landmark: Palo Duro Canyon Favorite Lubbock Tradition:The Nutcracker