Robin Averhoff
Tis the Season
Coming off of maternity leave with my second daughter, I've been very mindful of the seasons of life. I've had so many people ask me how my second baby differed from the first, and...
My Wish List: Experiences
My daughter turns two in a week (yes, cue ALL the tears!). I've been thinking, okay obsessing, about her birthday party. I love creating experiences. I believe in the little details, and I have...
Believe the Best
"Believe the best, forgive the rest and say I love you."
My husband and I (try to) live by this quote of always believing the best in each other. We hope to raise our girls...
LMB at the Lubbock Uncorked Wine Event!
The Lubbock Chamber of Commerce's Uncorked wine event is the perfect girls' day and/or date night. We know because we did both! A preface to this may sound strange to some, but prior to this...
Transition to Two
Two months ago I transitioned to a mom of two, under two. And can I be honest for a minute? I thought I was a hot mess before this. I’m always late. And when...
Sorry, I’m Not Sorry
As I was reflecting on a conversation with a close friend recently, it dawned on me: I’m sorry, but I’m really not sorry. If you read our string of messages, you might not think...
Back to Work
As I prepare to close one of the sweetest seasons of my life, I feel compelled to share how I plan to cope with the coming changes. I have had the beautiful opportunity to...
Meet Robin Averhoff!
Hi, I’m Robin! My favorite and proudest titles are being a Christian, a wife to my favorite dairy farmer, KR, and momma to Lynlee and Ellie Kate. Being a wife and mom are the...