I’ve heard the notion of taking your children on dates before. It has always been something I've wanted to do but has been hard to get on top of with everything else going on. Before all of this Corona...
How do you deal with the hand life has given you? But really, how do you cope? Some might take the statement "the hand that life gave you" as being the way school is going, or work, or how family life...
When you hear the word 'identity,' there is much that comes to mind. With my experience as a psychology major, a counselor by nature, and working with countless individuals as a pastor, I have concluded that everyone is searching...
  I've got two kids who couldn't be more different- one is seven going on 27, and the other is a very innocent 6. We have all kinds of discussions in our house, and I'm constantly *amazed* at the things...

All The Feels

What do you think about when you hear the word "emotion"? Or how about "emotional"? Does it carry a negative, positive, or neutral connotation, in your opinion? Emotions are something that everyone has and play an essential role in our...


Words. Written. Spoken. Muttered. Whispered. Yelled. Signed. Shouted. Sung. Silence. Words and how we use them are some of the most profound ways we can impact others. If words weren't so important, there wouldn't be so many memes about words...
So, today I met my foster love’s Mom & Dad. It was a complete accident, more like a total screw-up by the contracted company that holds his weekly visits in their office. And we’ve encountered screw-ups there before—kinda ugly ones....
Anyone else hate when people tell you to “sleep when they do?” The first time I heard that, I thought it was kind of like common sense. But then I actually had a baby, and a second, and a...
Timehop Photo: 10 Years Ago Today

Double Digits

I’ve been so stinkin’ sentimental about this guy turning 10. Parenting has been so much harder than I ever thought it would be—so much more fun than I dreamed. So much more work than I ever thought humanly possible. So...
6:31am, the sky is black, Stone Temple Pilots are on the radio, I'm headed to work, and I see a falling star. All I can think to wish is that my baby boy is ok. This is when I...

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Lubbock Moms Community Resource Guide

Welcome to our Community Resource Guide! We're here to help during tough times and make sure you have access to all the resources you...

2023 Summer Camp Guide