How Trippy Are You?


Growing up, I think I traveled to 2 different states. Colorado on a family vacation and Florida with a church group (a group of me and two gals named Sarah and Sara 😊).

My sister and her family started traveling to all the states after my nephew was born. I believe he has been to all but two states by the time he graduated from high school. I thought this was a great adventure, and I started it with Emery. Together we have been to New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, Oklahoma, and Tennessee, so we have some work to do in the next nine years.

I like to plan my trips. It takes a few months to work on all the details. This February, we are traveling to Washington D.C. and Virginia. I look at all scenarios from driving, flying, days of travel, actual days spent exploring, and where to eat (this is a big one for me because I LOVE FOOD).

Emery is all about flying, so that is usually where I start when planning a trip. I also love the research. It is exciting to see places in real life after looking at them online.

I would love to hear about some of your favorite things about traveling to different states. What did you see, where did you stay and most of all what did you eat?      

I would love to hear about some of your favorite things about traveling to different states. What did you see, where did you stay and most of all what did you eat?

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Originally a Greyhound from Knox City and after spending 16 years in Lubbock she is back to small town living in Abernathy! Julie has been a single mom since 2011 when her daughter Emery was born. She is a huge animal lover and currently has a couple of canines, Hero The Goodfella (Labradoodle) and Galaxy The Queen (Husky/German Shepherd Mix). Her biggest dream is to live on some land, in a tiny house and be surrounded by donkeys, cows, dogs and a goat. Julie is the Compliance/Fleet/Safety Manger for MUDco Read-Mix Concrete. First language is Sarcasm and her life moto is "I just want to spend the rest of my life laughing" . She is a podcast junkie and if you are looking for some crime/murder podcast suggestions, she is your gal! Favorite Restaurant: Yamagata Japanese Steakhouse Favorite Landmark: The drive around MacKenzie and Cesar Chavez Parks Favorite Tradition: Cruising Ransom Canyon Lake at Christmas