So. I’m not generally a helicopter mom about most things. My kids play outside by themselves, I let them go to the bathroom by themselves at restaurants, I’m generally pretty chill about letting them try out their wings about...
As I gathered my curling iron, gel, comb, and some clips, George said to me with laughter in his eyes, “this isn’t exactly the way I had hoped you would bond.” I then curled my sixteen-year-old stepson’s hair. Mom of...
I think one of the hardest things to do as a mother, is to parent your children in the middle of a storm. When the waves are crashing down around you, and you feel like you can’t even breathe,...


Words. Written. Spoken. Muttered. Whispered. Yelled. Signed. Shouted. Sung. Silence. Words and how we use them are some of the most profound ways we can impact others. If words weren't so important, there wouldn't be so many memes about words...
  Ah, summer is finally here. I am a huge fan of the season. Outdoor activities, watermelon, and family vacations. Family vacations really can bring about some of the sweetest memories, but now being a parent, I’m realizing it is...
Oh, the comment section of any social media platform! Why are you such a tinderbox? Why can't I look away from your train wreck, and why, oh why, do I engage?! It's not me, it's you, and I'm done...
A few days ago, I learned that July is National Bereaved Parents Month. This was conflicting news to me. I myself have lost a child, 5 years ago next month, but did not know of this national acknowledgment in...
It was that time of year, time to complete the annual self-assessment at work. I had to develop the results that successfully summarize all the great things I did during 2020 and what I hope to achieve in 2021....


I didn’t know, when we started it. What all it was going to become. I didn't know how it would help heal and transform our hearts and become a part of what defined us as a family. It was...
I’ve been so stinkin’ sentimental about this guy turning 10. Parenting has been so much harder than I ever thought it would be—so much more fun than I dreamed. So much more work than I ever thought humanly possible. So...

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