My Last Year with My Baby


Hey friends. I’m Linda and I have been a stay at home mom for the last eight years. My oldest is starting second grade this year. I feel like the previous school years have really zoomed by. I was a mess when it was time for him to start kindergarten. All of those mama worries went through my mind. “What is he doing? Is he okay? Are the other kids being nice? Is his teacher nice?” I held it together when we dropped him off on his first day of kindergarten. As soon as we left, I sure did turn around to see his little face looking back at me walking away and leaving him there. And I cried. The thing about having two kids is you have your first and your last. There is no in-between. 

This year is my last year with my baby. My baby. If you know her, she is a firecracker. I have no idea where she came from. I think that the introverted-ness of my husband and I combined into an extra-extroverted child and we have no idea what to do with her! If you know me, you rarely see me without RAD. I don’t know what we are going to do next year when she starts kindergarten. I guess just cry all day long until we’re together again. I’m only mostly serious. (Hah!)

The funny thing? I’m not worried about her at all! She makes friends quickly, is pretty easy to get along with, is hilarious (just ask her!), and is very rule-oriented (that doesn’t mean that she follows the rules, just that she will tell you and everyone else to follow the rules). She catches on quickly, is too smart for her own good, and has a fantastic vocabulary. The other day she said, “According to my computer…” I don’t know what she was talking about because I was stuck on the according to my computer part. What four-year-old says that? 

What are we going to do this last year? Whatever she wants! She wants to do an art class so we signed her up for a class at the library. I am a former elementary school teacher so we get plenty of reading, drawing, writing, and what letter/number is this kind of thing at home. We will certainly be at all the parks to get us out of the house and socializing. We are going to have lazy jammie movie days with all of the popcorn and m&ms. We will be at every storytime. We will do whatever we want while we still can!

We are both in transition. When she starts kindergarten, I guess I have to go back to work or something? I can’t even think about that!

Mamas in a transition year, or who are sending your babies off to kindergarten, how are you feeling? What are you doing? Anyone want to meet up next year and cry? 😉

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Native Lubbockite, Red Raider, wife, and Mama. Lived in San Antonio for several years before making the move back with the husband, two kids, and two cats in tow. Speaks in gifs and Schitt's Creek quotes. Favorite Restaurant: Chimy's Favorite Landmark: Texas Tech University Seal Favorite Lubbock Tradition: Carol of Lights on Texas Tech Campus