Tag: conversation
What To Do When Your 2 Year Old Holds a Grudge
What to do when your two year old already holds a grudge?
The short answer is, I don't know.
Sister and I love to snuggle and...
Lessons From a Strawberry Pie
Not too long ago, shortly before his 12th birthday, my middle child asked to make a strawberry pie. Well, technically, he sent me a...
Not the Super Powers You Are Expecting
I have a lot of internal dialogue. So much that when I see someone that I maybe had a thoughtful discussion with, I feel...
Meet the Parents
So, today I met my foster love’s Mom & Dad. It was a complete accident, more like a total screw-up by the contracted company...
Wear the Mickey Bandaid
I shouldn't be allowed to use knives or sharp utensils. But we won't go there today. That's a story for another day when I...