Dear Diary, It has now been over four months since I received a diagnosis for my newest chronic illness. It has now been over eight months since that illness began. It has been over 15 years since the diagnosis of...
It seems as though every month has a designated awareness month. I have two months that I pay special attention to since July 26, 2017. September is National Suicide Prevention and Awareness, and May is Mental Health Awareness Month....
Training for a fight isn't easy. Training for a fight as a mother isn't easy. Training for a fight through grief isn't easy. It takes everything you've got and asks for more. It challenges every part of you. Mentally. Physically. Spiritually. You have to...

I Want to be a Turtle

If you would have told me 20 years ago that when I turned 35 years old, I would have five kids, be married, have a full-time career working for Child Protective Services, and I would be trying to maintain...
Boundaries. There are plenty of people out there who cringe at the word, myself included. It has been suggested that I read the book "Boundaries" by Henry Cloud and John Townsend for six years. I've neglected to pick up due to the title itself....
Your day is busy, right? You're cleaning, playing with the children, and making so many different lunch and dinners that it just leads to more cleaning. Stay at home mom life is hard. It's hard work that it is stereotyped...
I've seen the posts on Facebook in the various mom's groups—someone looking for a friend—women reaching out to find a person with like interests, similar values, and in a similar stage of life to share life. I've expressed interest in...
So far, the year 2020 has been rough. We still have three months left in what could quickly go down as the worst series of unfortunate events to occur in a single calendar year, at least in my lifetime!...
A few days ago, I came across a headline that read "BREAKING: Texas Man With Disability Dies After Doctors Refuse To Treat Him for COVID-19." Having a child with a rare disease and a disability, I had to find...

Stick A Cup In It

If you're grossed out by period talk, this is not the post for you. Let's talk about the menstrual cup, ladies! Have you heard of it? Chances are you have, and there are two different types of people: the one...

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Lubbock Moms Community Resource Guide

Welcome to our Community Resource Guide! We're here to help during tough times and make sure you have access to all the resources you...

2023 Summer Camp Guide