Lubbock is well known for its outstanding medical facilities and exceptional physicians but finding the best fit can be a challenge for new parents, transplants to Lubbock, or those searching for the best health practitioners for their families. In...
I’m sitting here in my living room, not worried at all about this coronavirus. The girls are running around laughing and playing, and my husband is on the couch next to me, laughing at memes on his phone. It’s...
Before I open my mail for your reading pleasure, let me give a little background information. This letter I wrote to my parents after my attempt to drop my 9-year-old son off for a week-long Bible camp went wrong....

Recognizing Blessings

Name them one by one… When you wake up and draw your first conscious breath of the day, begin. Begin to count them when you first crawl out of bed, every day. Blessings. We all have them, but we don’t all...
Say it with me, ITS FRI-YAY! We made it, y’all! This Friday is extra special because for us in the Lubbock area, it officially kicks off Spring Break! If you are just now realizing how much you need a...
I first jumped into homeschooling a little over 11 years ago, when my oldest child was 8. The younger two are currently homeschooling and have been for the last two years. We constantly review our decision to make sure...
It’s the first Five Friday Favorites of 2022! Are you a resolutions person? I am very much a “new year, same me” person, but I do have five goals that I am working towards.  Drink more water. I have a tough...
It's been more than ten years, but I remember it vividly. I was sitting on the living room floor in the middle of the night, rocking back and forth with my newborn baby. She wouldn't stop crying – oh,...

A Minivan Mom

Well ladies, never in a million years did I EVER think that I would become a “minivan mom.” In fact, I swore up and down that I would never own one. Yet here I am, about a month into...

Dear Diary

I found this entry in my diary from when my youngest at the time, was three, and we were in much need of getting rid of her paci. "Today, we have been "paci-free" with Alise. I must admit, I've been...

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Lubbock Moms Community Resource Guide

Welcome to our Community Resource Guide! We're here to help during tough times and make sure you have access to all the resources you...