Summer is HERE, and your kids’ teachers have already TAGGED you and given you back your kids during the weekdays. Here are FIVE THINGS they want you to do with them this summer to help avoid the summer slide.
It's Summer, Right?
If you're like me and you love the summer, but you don't know exactly what you need to do with your high energy, non-stop, food-loving, "take me to the park," "I need another snack" children this summer,...
As we grow and learn in everything we do, whether as a mother, a daughter, a student, or co-worker, do you ever feel that feeling of no longer knowing who you are but rather feeling as though you are...
Typically, these features are full of things we've ADDED to our week to make it better or more manageable. Today, we're taking a different approach and talking about five things you can GET RID OF this week to improve...
Lubbock Moms co-owners Lindsey and Chelsea were grateful for the opportunity to sit down with Dr. Jessica Gray of UMC Health Systems to get YOUR questions answered about COVID vaccines. We know this information will be helpful to Lubbock...
Which do you prefer - destinations or journeys?
I’m not talking about life philosophy or anything profound. I’m talking about vacations, and I legit want to know which you like - destination vacations or journey vacations. Destination vacations are all about...
How would our hearts ever feel joy if all we ever did was "fit in" rather than actually belong? It is so hard to find a sense of belonging in today's times. We always compare ourselves to one another....
Frizzy, wavy, unmanageable... those are just a few words to describe my hair. WHO'S WITH ME?! I always see people complain about their hair being straight as an arrow or so curly it's unruly... And I am right smack...
You want to be here.
I’m telling you, this is the group you want to be a part of.
These women come from different backgrounds, have different upbringings, have different beliefs and voting preferences and political beliefs, and ALL have each...
Lubbock is well-known for its broad plains, breath-taking big sky sunsets, and thriving small business community. Lubbock Moms is pleased to highlight the entrepreneurial spirit of these local South Plains businesses. If you are interested in being featured in...