I couldn’t do it. I physically could not do it. After 29 hours of labor, a rush c-section, and an hour of literally having my insides cut open and then sewn back together, I just couldn’t do it. I laid in...

The Dishes Can Wait

Twelve years ago I was teaching back to back to back classes on the Tech campus like I did every Monday morning. There was boring normalcy to the whole thing. I didn’t, and couldn’t, appreciate how nice boring and...

Holy Ground

I didn't decorate her place out at the cemetery for every single holiday this year. I don't know if it was the survival mode of this whole year, that it simply felt like too much to muster, or that it...
Coming off of maternity leave with my second daughter, I've been very mindful of the seasons of life. I've had so many people ask me how my second baby differed from the first, and to be honest, having a...
Last summer was a rough one for me. I wanted to be the fun mom and do all the fun things, but the reality was that having 2 boys under the age of 2 was just hard. I was...
As most mamas can tell you, morning sickness is NOT FUN! I, unfortunately, like a lot of women out there, had it BAD. There are so many misconceptions about pregnancy, one of the biggest being "morning sickness." First, "morning sickness"...
When it comes to wiping butts, we mothers tend to get a little opinionated. We choose our favorite brands and if anyone tells us there’s a better one we won’t believe you. I get many mixed reactions when I...
Girl-child is naturally left-handed. They kept telling us that you can't determine which hand the baby will use until they are older and start writing. We knew. She always liked things in her left hand, and it was just...
I am sure you ladies know exactly what I am talking about. It’s supposed to hit around the second trimester. "Supposed to" is the optimal term here and the increase in hormones is said to give you a “glow.”...
We were having a boy, It was almost unreal. My parents were so excited, They did something surreal. They bought a huge horse, A genuine Radio Flyer. I had no idea where to put it But keeping him was dire. He wore hats and held clothes, Sitting in...

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