Boundaries. There are plenty of people out there who cringe at the word, myself included. It has been suggested that I read the book "Boundaries" by Henry Cloud and John Townsend for six years. I've neglected to pick up due to the title itself....
So, I don't really mean babies. I mean baking with kids. My English teacher heart just loves alliteration. My baking-age kids right now are 3, 5, and 7. And, ironically, we usually bake when the actual baby is sleeping....
My experience with cooking isn't as southern as I'd like. I can remember making the basics like "candy," homemade biscuits (or so I thought they were homemade), and scrambled eggs with my Grandma growing up. I was never taught...
As moms, one of our biggest duties and jobs is to protect our children and keep them healthy. When they are infants, we ensure they are warm, fed, and bathed. We carefully lay them on their little tummies or...
I would like to assume that most of us have been raised to not spend more than we make and to save for a "rainy day." All of which, of course, we probably do not do for multiple reasons...
Before you freak out at the thought of someone adding one more thing to your to-do list during this pandemic, hear me out.  Want to check off something you’ve had on the back burner for a while?  Want to...

Juice, Juice, Baby!

  My husband came home one day over the moon about a juicer. Not just any juicer, at least not to him anyway, an Omega juicer. After having emergency gall bladder surgery earlier this year, he began researching juicers as...
About a year ago as my husband and I were reviewing our monthly budget, we realized that the amount of money we were spending on restaurant meals was, frankly, a little obscene. Plus - we had a refrigerator and...


I honestly think my family may have too many different traditions to count, which I absolutely love. When I was growing up, our entire family (all hundred of us) would all gather on Christmas Eve and have a huge...
When we were looking at houses a few years ago, we were short on time and budget. We had certain things we wanted in a house. At least 3 bedrooms, a playroom space, decent sized yard, and a large...

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Lubbock Moms Community Resource Guide

Welcome to our Community Resource Guide! We're here to help during tough times and make sure you have access to all the resources you...

2023 Summer Camp Guide