There are plenty of people out there who cringe at the word, myself included. It has been suggested that I read the book "Boundaries" by Henry Cloud and John Townsend for six years. I've neglected to pick up due to the title itself....
There seems to be a strict divide among vacation choices. “I’m a beach kind of girl” or “I want to stay in the city, no outdoorsy stuff for me.” I am here to tell you that you can be...
My New Favorite Thing: Meal Prep Sunday
Whether you’re a working-outside-the-home mom or a working-inside-the-home mom, we’re all running in a million directions all day, and by the time 6 o’clock rolls around the last thing you want to do...
My experience with cooking isn't as southern as I'd like. I can remember making the basics like "candy," homemade biscuits (or so I thought they were homemade), and scrambled eggs with my Grandma growing up. I was never taught...
Before you freak out at the thought of someone adding one more thing to your to-do list during this pandemic, hear me out. Want to check off something you’ve had on the back burner for a while? Want to...
So, I don't really mean babies. I mean baking with kids. My English teacher heart just loves alliteration. My baking-age kids right now are 3, 5, and 7. And, ironically, we usually bake when the actual baby is sleeping....
I would like to assume that most of us have been raised to not spend more than we make and to save for a "rainy day." All of which, of course, we probably do not do for multiple reasons...
About a year ago as my husband and I were reviewing our monthly budget, we realized that the amount of money we were spending on restaurant meals was, frankly, a little obscene. Plus - we had a refrigerator and...
My husband came home one day over the moon about a juicer. Not just any juicer, at least not to him anyway, an Omega juicer. After having emergency gall bladder surgery earlier this year, he began researching juicers as...
I honestly think my family may have too many different traditions to count, which I absolutely love. When I was growing up, our entire family (all hundred of us) would all gather on Christmas Eve and have a huge...